Sunday, June 29, 2008

Darwin 18th to 30th June
The Tipperary Marina has been a good home for our stay in Darwin, being central to the town and its essential services. Took a bit of fending to get through the lock but well worth it to avoid the tides. We spent the whole week getting the boat ready for the next leg to Broome, being the longest and most remote.

Kirrily and Darren arrived on the 28th and did some sight-seeing (WWII tunnels, museum), but amongst getting over the jetlag (30 min time change) and buying stores, there wasn’t much time to spare. Next stop is the Berkley River and then coast hopping around to the Hunter River. Peter and Kim will fly into an island in the mouth of the river, where the boat will meet them and Darren and Kirrily will fly out, connecting with a Cessna at the Mitchell Plateau. Spindrift will be out of reach for a while so the next blog probably wont be published until around the 20th of July, flown out by chopper.


Pat said...

Dear Crew,
sounds absolutely wonderful! A great picture of the lock - huge bits of concrete....hmmm....I hope the new crew arent too green, and that they manage to pull the right bits of string when told.
By the smile on Kirrily's face, she is already enjoying it. Cant wait for the next installment

Iris said...

Hi Barry, hope you have a good trip through the Kimberly. Ross says to look out for Bill and Maria Fitti on the MV Lady M - its a huge cat. He's on his way north to Darwin from Broome. If you see them, give them a call they're great people! Will look forward to your next blog in 3 weeks. Cheers Iris